Sunday, July 17, 2011

im having sickle moon.haha

hype addicted to twitter..:p

anyway im going to have my final paper on 19th so im hoping for the doa from all of u.yeahh thx.

btw after this exam.insyaAllah my enthusiastic blood will rushh out and jot down what being stuck inside my head.haha lol what ever happens insyaAllah ill keep posting something.2 weeks interval 3 weeks interval.either one.or maybe 4months interval.haha

this blog is seriously for dummies like if im having something stupid to share or something knowledgeable they may be posted as i wish it would be.but All those things are in Allah's will and insyaAllah every word is really for sharing n forward them are really appreciated.:) thx.

pray for me.and for Allah's bless.insyaAllah u'll find the way.:p

Saturday, March 5, 2011

crazee ipad2


its been a few days since my last first post posted here.
today, i would like to give u something new that really give a boost of enthusiasm for a great gadget.
mcm bes an.
mmg bes pn
dorg tny asal la mnat sgt ipad ni.
bukan sebab stylo je dooo.
die mcm complete au.
xde keyboard..
pas tu slide2,
mcm bg jari men lari2 kat atas screen uh.
da la besa bes ot.
kalau nk diikutkn ngn iphone.
sama je,
cume le call.
pakai hp torchlight nokia 1100 uh pn bole.
tp sebab bende ni mcm portable and screen, interface die sume bes an,
mcm xrugi beli aa,
bes siyess.

duit xde sebab nk kene kumpul nk kawin,
korg pnah dga pasal kawen khitbah?
tgu jap lepas post ni ade je post uh.

till then, salam

Sunday, February 27, 2011


im invitng u for my new open blog.
hope it would have a great journey with all my pen-pal.